Skip to Main Content Atla LibGuides African Traditional Religions: Ifa Hermeneutics Search this Guide Search African Traditional Religions: Ifa This guide, created by the Atlanta University Center Woodruff Library with funding from the Atla OER Grant Program, exists as an Open Educational Resource on "African TRADITIONAL RELIGIONS ChapTra d 1: Orientation and Overview Toggle Dropdown Chapter 2: What Did Our Ancestor's Believe? Toggle Dropdown Chapter 3: All Of Creation Is Inside TheCalabash Prayer Hermeneutics Chapter 4: Olodumare I Photography: Will Coleman, Ph.D. As I mentioned the opening section of this chapter, this divination board is not plate. On the contrary, it conceals a multidimensional universe of time, space, social arrangements and psychological orientations. The following description and accompanying diagrams by Awo Fa'lokun gives a good overview of what I mean by cosmogenesis, cosmogeography, sociology and psychology from a holistic Yoruba viewp...